Posts tagged Pickle Jar Sermon
The Pickle Jar

It was the third anniversary of my being the pastor of a church in Texas. I made an announcement early in the morning service that went something like: “This marks my third year as your pastor. I don’t know that I have very much to brag about or many victories to proclaim but surely I have done something, so I am going to take up a love offering for myself. I think I am worth at least a dollar so if you have a dollar and are willing to give it please get it out and pass it to the end of the aisle. I do not want anyone to give more than a dollar and, if you don’t have one that is fine, but the ushers will now collect the ones you chose to give.” The ushers collected $473.00 and I asked them to pile it on the communion table and the service continued as normal while the congregation stared at what looked like a large pile of money and steamed at the brass they had just witnessed. “How dare him take up a love offering for himself” seemed to be the majority opinion in the room.

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